By Eric Burden | December 15, 2020
In the spirit of the holidays (and programming), I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code 2020 puzzles here, at least one day after they’re posted (no spoilers!). I’ll be implementing the solutions in R because, well, that’s what I like! What I won’t be doing is posting any of the actual answers, just the reasoning behind them.
Also, as a general convention, whenever the puzzle has downloadable input, I’m
saving it in a file named input.txt
Day 14 - Docking Data
Find the problem description HERE.
Part One - Masquerade
For this part, I’m simulating bit-wise operations. As I look back on it, I feel
like this could have been accomplished much more efficiently if I had been
operating on actual bits instead of numeric vectors containing 1
’s and 0
but this works and it’s easier for me to reason about.
test_input <- c(
"mem[8] = 11",
"mem[7] = 101",
"mem[8] = 0"
real_input <- readLines('input.txt')
library(stringr) # For str_split(), str_extract()
# Given a number `n`, returns a numeric representation of the 36 consituent bits
to_bits <- function(n) {
bits <- as.numeric(intToBits(n))
c(rep(0, 4), rev(bits))
# Given a binary vector `bin_vec` as produced by `to_bits()`, return the
# decimal value
to_numeric <- function(bin_vec) {
places <- (length(bin_vec):1) - 1
sum(2^places[which(bin_vec == 1)])
# Given a string `s` in the form of 'mask = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXX0X',
# return the part to the right of the `=` sign as a character vector
to_mask <- function(s) {
str_split(str_extract(s, '\\b[X\\d]+$'), '', simplify = T)
# Given a binary vector `bits`, the bits vector after applying a mask
# `masked_bits`, and the numeric representation of the masked bits `result`,
# returns a named list containing those items
output_el <- function(bits, masked_bits, result) {
list(bits = bits, masked_bits = masked_bits, result = result)
# Given a character vector representing a bit mask `mask` and a vector of
# bits `vec`, applies the mask to the bit vector as described in the puzzle
# instructions
apply_mask <- function(mask, vec) {
vec[which(mask != 'X')] <- as.numeric(mask[mask != 'X'])
input <- real_input # Parse the input
mask <- rep('X', 36) # A dummy mask
output <- list() # List to hold the output
# For each line in the input lines
for (line in input) {
type <- str_extract(line, '^\\w+') # The 'type' is the word to the left of `=`
if (type == 'mask') { mask <- to_mask(line)}
if (type == 'mem') {
# For 'mem' lines, convert the number to 'bits', apply the mask, convert
# back to a number, then save the result to the `output` list with a list
# item name from the memory address
address <- str_extract(line, '(?<=\\[)\\d+(?=\\])')
bits <- to_bits(as.numeric(str_extract(line, '\\d+$')))
masked_bits <- apply_mask(mask, bits)
result <- to_numeric(masked_bits)
output[[address]] <- output_el(bits, masked_bits, result)
results <- sapply(output, function(x){ x$result }) # Get all the numeric results
answer1 <- sum(results)
Part Two - Forwarding Address
Oh thank goodness, this isn’t another Day 13 with a sizable difficulty bump
between parts. Similar to part one, I’m not convinced I ended up with the ‘best’
solution, or even a particularly great one. Instead of using the mask directly
to produce all the variations of masked ‘bits’, I opted to produce all the
possible variations of mask and just apply them sequentially. One of the
downsides to this approach was the need to differentiate between a 0
naturally occurred in the mask and a 0
that was one of the states of an X
That’s what the Z
’s represent.
test_input2 <- c(
"mask = 000000000000000000000000000000X1001X",
"mem[42] = 100",
"mask = 00000000000000000000000000000000X0XX",
"mem[26] = 1"
# Given a string `s` in the format "mask = 000000000000000000000000000000X1001X",
# return a character matrix where each row represents a mask to apply.
to_mask <- function(s) {
mask_chars <- unlist(str_split(str_extract(s, '\\b[X\\d]+$'), ''))
matrix(unlist(all_masks(mask_chars)), ncol = 36, byrow = T)
# Given a character vector consisting of 1's, 0's and X's `chars` (the `i`
# argument should be ignored, it's used for the recursion), return a list
# containing all possible interpretations of the mask
all_masks <- function(chars, i = 1) {
if (i > length(chars)){ return(chars) }
if (chars[i] == 'X') {
chars[i] <- 'Z'; chars0 <- chars
chars[i] <- '1'; chars1 <- chars
list(all_masks(chars0, i + 1), all_masks(chars1, i + 1))
} else {
all_masks(chars, i + 1)
# Given a character vector representing a bit mask to apply `mask` and a
# 'binary' vector `vec`, return a binary vector representing the result of
# applying the mask to the 'binary' vector
apply_mask <- function(mask, vec) {
vec[which(mask == '1')] <- 1
vec[which(mask == 'Z')] <- 0
input <- real_input # The input
output <- list() # List to hold output
# For each line in the input...
for (line in input) {
type <- str_extract(line, '^\\w+') # Get the 'type'
if (type == 'mask') { masks <- to_mask(line)} # 'mask' type to mask matrix
if (type == 'mem') {
# `address` is the number between the brackets
address <- as.numeric(str_extract(line, '(?<=\\[)\\d+(?=\\])'))
address_bits <- to_bits(address)
value <- as.numeric(str_extract(line, '\\d+$')) # Numbers after `=`
# For each mask (row) in the mask matrix...
for (r in seq(nrow(masks))) {
# Mask the `address_bits`, convert it to a character representation of
# the numeric value, then use that character representation as the name
# of the list item to assign `value` to. Some of these list items
# may be overwritten by subsequent iterations.
masked_address_bits <- apply_mask(masks[r,], address_bits)
masked_address <- as.character(to_numeric(masked_address_bits))
output[[masked_address]] <- value
answer2 <- sum(unlist(output))
Another dissatisfaction I have with this approach is that it is slow. This code takes over 30 seconds to finish on my laptop.
Overall, I did enjoy the opportunity to use employ recursion (it’s actually not something I do too often for my day job). I wish I had time to explore solving this one using actual ‘bit’ operations, but my holiday schedule is starting to get busy enough that I’m happy to just get the right answer without needing to look up an algorithm today. :)
If you found a different solution (or spotted a mistake in one of mine), please drop me a line!