Advent of Code 2023 - Day 23

By Eric Burden | December 23, 2023

It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Kotlin. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!

Day 23 - A Long Walk

Find the problem description HERE.

The Input - A Long Walk Down a Short Slope

Hello, grid of characters, my old friend! Today’s input parsing is another in a proud line of character grids to parse. Here we go!

 * This class represents one of the tiles in the hiking map
 * I opted to try something a little different with my tiles this time. Instead
 * of having each type be an enum, I'm having each type of tile derive from
 * this [AbstractPathTile] with a set function for identifying indices around
 * it for possible next path steps.
 * @property position The position of this tile in the grid.
abstract class AbstractPathTile(val position: Utils.Index2D) {
    companion object {
         * Create a concrete instance of an [AbstractPathTile] represented by a character
         * @param char The character that represents the kind of [AbstractPathTile].
         * @param position The position of this tile in the grid.
         * @return The [AbstractPathTile] represented by `char` at `position`.
         * @throws Exception When `char` doesn't represent an [AbstractPathTile].
        fun fromChar(char: Char, position: Utils.Index2D) =
            when (char) {
                '.' -> OpenPath(position)
                '#' -> Impassable(position)
                '>' -> EastSlope(position)
                '<' -> WestSlope(position)
                '^' -> NorthSlope(position)
                'v' -> SouthSlope(position)
                else -> throw Exception("Cannot parse $char to a path tile!")

    // Concrete classes will use these to determine which neighboring 2D
    // indices are possible next destinations for taking a step.
    abstract val offsets: List<Utils.Offset2D>

    // Possible neighboring indices are comprised of the current position
    // plus each of this class's offsets.
    fun possibleNeighbors(): List<Utils.Index2D> = { position + it }

// This class represents an open tile, from which a hiker can proceed in any
// of the four cardinal directions.
class OpenPath(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf(
        Utils.Offset2D(-1, 0),
        Utils.Offset2D(1, 0),
        Utils.Offset2D(0, -1),
        Utils.Offset2D(0, 1)

// This class represents an impassable tile. A hiker cannot proceed from
// such a tile.
class Impassable(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf<Utils.Offset2D>()

// This class represents a slope to the east. A hiker can only proceed
// east from this tile.
class EastSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf(Utils.Offset2D(0, 1))

// This class represents a slope to the west. A hiker can only proceed
// west from this tile.
class WestSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf(Utils.Offset2D(0, -1))

// This class represents a slope to the north. A hiker can only proceed
// north from this tile.
class NorthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf(Utils.Offset2D(-1, 0))

// This class represents a slope to the south. A hiker can only proceed
// south from this tile.
class SouthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) {
    override val offsets = listOf(Utils.Offset2D(1, 0))

 * This class represents the entire map of the hiking trail.
 * @property grid The grid of tiles in this hiking map.
data class HikingMap(val grid: List<List<AbstractPathTile>>) {
    companion object {
         * Parse the input into a hiking map
         * @param input The grid of characters from the input file.
         * @return The [HikingMap] represented by the input file.
         * @throws Exception If any character in the input file can't be parsed
         * into an [AbstractPathTile].
        fun fromInput(input: List<List<Char>>): HikingMap {
            val grid = input.withIndex().map { (rowIdx, row) ->
                row.withIndex().map { (colIdx, char) ->
                    val idx = Utils.Index2D(rowIdx, colIdx)
                    AbstractPathTile.fromChar(char, idx)
            return HikingMap(grid)

    // Rows and columns in the hiking map
    private val rows: Int get() = grid.size
    private val cols: Int get() = grid.first().size

    // The start and end tiles in this map.
    val start: OpenPath
        get() = (grid.first().find { it is OpenPath } as OpenPath?)!!
    val finish: OpenPath
        get() = (grid.last().find { it is OpenPath } as OpenPath?)!!

class Day23(input: List<List<Char>>) {

    // Make a map!
    private val parsed = HikingMap.fromInput(input)

Yeah we did! Having the tiles as subclasses kind of seems nice. I like it!

Part One - Nature Lover

Well, well, well. It’s almost Christmas and we’ve got enough leisure time to take a nice hike! A just reward for a job well done. In fact, we have so much free time that we can design an algorithm to find the longest possible walk for ourselves. Heck yeah!

abstract class AbstractPathTile(val position: Utils.Index2D) {
    // companion object { ... }

    // abstract val offsets: List<Utils.Offset2D>

    // fun possibleNeighbors(): List<Utils.Index2D> = ...

// class OpenPath(position: Utils.Index2D)   : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class Impassable(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class EastSlope(position: Utils.Index2D)  : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class WestSlope(position: Utils.Index2D)  : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class NorthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class SouthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }

data class HikingMap(val grid: List<List<AbstractPathTile>>) {
    // companion object { ... }

    // private val rows: Int get() = ...
    // private val cols: Int get() = ...
    // val start: OpenPath  get() = ...
    // val finish: OpenPath get() = ...

     * Attempt get the tile from the map at `idx`
     * If the index is a valid index in the map *and* the tile is passable,
     * return the tile. Otherwise, return null.
     * @param idx The index to attempt to fetch a tile from.
     * @return An [AbstractPathTile] if the index is valid, else null.
    private fun getOrNull(idx: Utils.Index2D): AbstractPathTile? {
        val inBounds = idx.row in 0..<rows && idx.col in 0..<cols
        if (inBounds && grid[idx.row][idx.col] !is Impassable) {
            return grid[idx.row][idx.col]
        return null

     * Return the length of the longest path from start to finish.
     * @return The length of the longest path through the map.
    fun longestPathThrough(): Int {
        // This will be an exhaustive depth-first search. Each item in the stack
        // consists of a tile and the path taken to get to that tile. This path
        // is used to ensure that we don't make a loop while walking along the
        // trail.
        val stack =
            mutableListOf(start as AbstractPathTile to listOf(start.position))
        var maxPathLength = 0

        // So long as we have paths left to explore...
        while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
            // Get the last tile and path. If we're at the finish line,
            // recalculate the maximum path length and move on to another path.
            val (tile, pathToTile) = stack.removeLast()
            if (tile == finish) {
                maxPathLength = maxOf(maxPathLength, pathToTile.size - 1)

            // Add each reachable, neighboring tile (and the path to it) to
            // the stack.
            val neighbors = tile.possibleNeighbors().mapNotNull { getOrNull(it) }
            for (neighbor in neighbors) {
                if (neighbor.position in pathToTile) continue // No loops!
                stack.add(neighbor to pathToTile + neighbor.position)

        return maxPathLength

class Day23(input: List<List<Char>>) {

    // private val parsed = ...

    // Find the longest path through the hiking trail, navigating those
    // slippery slopes!
    fun solvePart1(): Int = parsed.longestPathThrough()

You know what, all this fresh air and sunshine has us feeling strong! What if…

Part Two - Uphill Climb

These slopes are nothing! We’re feeling plenty strong to walk up any slope we encounter. This will let us take a much longer route through the trails. And it means we really need to check more paths!

abstract class AbstractPathTile(val position: Utils.Index2D) {
    // companion object { ... }

    // abstract val offsets: List<Utils.Offset2D>

    // fun possibleNeighbors(): List<Utils.Index2D> = ...

// class OpenPath(position: Utils.Index2D)   : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class Impassable(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class EastSlope(position: Utils.Index2D)  : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class WestSlope(position: Utils.Index2D)  : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class NorthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }
// class SouthSlope(position: Utils.Index2D) : AbstractPathTile(position) { ... }

data class HikingMap(val grid: List<List<AbstractPathTile>>) {
    // companion object { ... }

    // private val rows: Int get() = ...
    // private val cols: Int get() = ...
    // val start: OpenPath  get() = ...
    // val finish: OpenPath get() = ...

    // private fun getOrNull(idx: Utils.Index2D): AbstractPathTile? { ... }

    // fun longestPathThrough(): Int { ... }

     * Return a copy of this [HikingMap] with all the slopes removed
     * @return A copy of this map with all the slopes removed.
    fun dryUpTheTrails(): HikingMap {
        // Convert each slope to an [OpenPath].
        val grid = { row ->
   { tile ->
                when (tile) {
                    is NorthSlope -> OpenPath(tile.position)
                    is WestSlope -> OpenPath(tile.position)
                    is EastSlope -> OpenPath(tile.position)
                    is SouthSlope -> OpenPath(tile.position)
                    else -> tile
        return HikingMap(grid)

     * From a given starting tile, find the next adjacent junctions
     * A junction is any tile where the path branches or the start/finish tiles.
     * We're searching for these to try to cut down on the number of steps
     * needed to algorithmically walk all the paths when they're not restricted
     * by slopes.
     * @param start The [AbstractPathTile] to start from.
     * @return A list of the next reachable junctions and the number of steps
     * to each.
    private fun nextJunctions(start: AbstractPathTile): List<Pair<Int, AbstractPathTile>> {
        // This is another DFS with a twist, searching along pairs of
        // <step count> : <path tile>
        val stack = mutableListOf(0 to start)
        val seen = mutableSetOf<AbstractPathTile>()

        // This is the list of found junctions.
        val junctions = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, AbstractPathTile>>()

        // So long as there are tiles left to search.
        while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
            // Get the next tile, and if we haven't already searched it...
            val (steps, tile) = stack.removeLast()
            if (tile in seen) continue

            // Find all the neighbors!
            val neighbors = tile.possibleNeighbors()
                .mapNotNull { getOrNull(it) }
                .filter { it !in seen }

            // If this tile is a junction (multiple neighbors) or is
            // the finish line, add it to the list of junctions and
            // move on.
            if (steps > 0 && (neighbors.size > 1 || tile == finish)) {
                junctions.add(steps to tile)

            // Otherwise, add each neighboring tile and the number of steps
            // it took to reach it to the stack.
            for (neighbor in neighbors) {
                stack.add(steps + 1 to neighbor)

        // Return the list of junctions
        return junctions

     * Convert this [HikingMap] into a [JunctionMap]
     * A [JunctionMap] serves as a directed acyclic graph through the
     * [HikingMap]. This cuts down on the amount of work needed to search
     * through paths by simplifying the path from junction to junction.
     * @return The [JunctionMap] derived from this [HikingMap].
    fun toJunctionMap(): JunctionMap {
        // Yet another DFS with a twist! In this case, we're building up a
        // DAG of the junctions.
        val stack = mutableListOf(start as AbstractPathTile)
        val seen = mutableSetOf<AbstractPathTile>()
        val map =
            mutableMapOf<AbstractPathTile, List<Pair<Int, AbstractPathTile>>>()

        // For each junction tile still in the stack...
        while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
            // If this junction hasn't been explored yet...
            val junction = stack.removeLast()
            if (junction in seen) continue

            // Get the next junctions! Add the mapping from the current
            // junction to the next junctions to our map.
            val nextJunctions = nextJunctions(junction)
            map[junction] = nextJunctions

            // Explore each of the next junctions.
            for ((_, nextJunction) in nextJunctions) {
                if (nextJunction in seen) continue // No loops!

        return JunctionMap(map)

 * This class represents a map through path junctions.
 * @property A mapping of tile -> [(steps, tile)].
data class JunctionMap(val map: Map<AbstractPathTile, List<Pair<Int, AbstractPathTile>>>) {
     * Find the longest path through the [JunctionMap]
     * @param start The starting tile.
     * @param finish The ending tile.
     * @return The number of steps in the longest path through the [JunctionMap].
    fun longestPath(start: AbstractPathTile, finish: AbstractPathTile): Int {
        // That's right, DFS *again*!!!!
        val stack = mutableListOf(0 to (start to listOf(start)))
        var maxPathLength = 0

        // You know the drill...
        while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
            // For each step not yet explored...
            val (steps, path) = stack.removeLast()
            val (tile, pathToTile) = path

            // If we've reached the end with this path, recalculate max path.
            if (tile == finish) {
                maxPathLength = maxOf(maxPathLength, steps)

            // Explore the next junction along each path.
            for ((nextSteps, nextTile) in map[tile]!!) {
                if (nextTile in pathToTile) continue
                stack.add(steps + nextSteps to (nextTile to pathToTile + nextTile))

        return maxPathLength

class Day23(input: List<List<Char>>) {

    // private val parsed = ...
    // fun solvePart1(): Int = ...

    // Slopes are no match for us! Finding the longest way around while
    // climbing up those slopes!
    fun solvePart2(): Int {
        val driedHikingMap = parsed.dryUpTheTrails()
        val junctionMap = driedHikingMap.toJunctionMap()
        return junctionMap.longestPath(

I’ve kind of lost track of the number of depth-first searches I did there. Like four, I think. I’m pretty sure there’s a better way to do this, but I’m too tired from all that hiking to come up with one.

Wrap Up

I spent lot of time on this one, so here are my thoughts simply: It works! It’s ugly. But, it works! Yay!

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