Advent of Code 2023 - Day 15

By Eric Burden | December 15, 2023

It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Kotlin. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!

Day 15 - Lens Library

Find the problem description HERE.

The Input - What Parsing?

class Day15(input: String) {

    // It feels like there should be more to it than this...
    private val parsed = input.split(",").map { it.replace("\n", "") }.toList()

Yep, that’s it. Moving on. (I don’t actually think there were any newlines in there, but the text explicitly said to ignore them, so I’m not taking any chances.)

Part One - Making a Hash of It

Here we are, hanging out with a nervous reindeer, preparing (I assume) to utilize all that awesome light energy from the parabolic mirror array. We’re geared up with our PPI and ready to rock and roll! And then, there’s this manual… Looks like we need to HASH our initialization sequence (the input) and add up the results to make sure we did it right. Now, just to verify we did it correctly. Hey, where’d that reindeer go?

 * Hashes a string to an integer using the described hashing algorithm
 * This is what the puzzle told me to do!
 * @param str The string to hash.
 * @return An integer derived from hashing the string
fun hash(str: String): Int =
    str.fold(0) { acc, char -> ((acc + char.code) * 17) % 256 }

class Day15(input: String) {

    // private val parsed = ...

    // OK so far. Hash all the input strings into an Int and return
    // the summed result.
    fun solvePart1(): Int = parsed.sumOf { hash(it) }

Part one describes this simple hashing algorithm and asks us to implement it. So, that’s exactly what I did. Following instructions is nice, sometimes. Unfortunately, having a part one this simple can only mean one thing…

Part Two - It’s a Trap!

Well, not a trap, really. It’s more like all the usual steps we take, including parsing the input, got shoved into part two. Now we need to use our simple hashing algorithm from part one to configure an array of boxes of lenses to power up mah lazerz in the correct sequence. For power! (probably) Let’s get started.

// fun hash(str: String): Int = ...

 * This class represents one of the lenses
 * @property label The label on the lens.
 * @property focalLength The focal length of the lens.
data class Lens(val label: String, val focalLength: Int) {
     * Indicates whether the given label belongs to this lens
     * @param label The label to check.
     * @return Does the label match the label on this lens?
    fun hasLabel(label: String): Boolean = label == this.label

 * Convenience!
fun List<Lens>.boxed(): LensBox = LensBox(this)

 * This class represents a box of lenses, in order
 * @property lenses The lenses in this box, in order.
data class LensBox(val lenses: List<Lens>) {
    companion object {
         * Create a new, empty [LensBox]
         * @return An empty box for lenses.
        fun new(): LensBox = LensBox(listOf())

     * Remove a lens from the box by checking labels
     * If there's no lens in the box with the given label, then that just makes
     * your job easier!
     * @param label The label to check.
     * @return A copy of this [LensBox] without the offending lens.
    fun removeByLabel(label: String): LensBox =
        lenses.filter { !it.hasLabel(label) }.boxed()

     * Insert a lens into the box
     * If there's already a lens with the new lens' label, replace the old
     * lens with the new lens. Otherwise, append the new lens to the end of
     * the list of lenses.
     * @param lens The new lens to add.
     * @return A copy of this [LensBox] with the new lens added.
    fun insert(lens: Lens): LensBox {
        val containsLens = lenses.any { it.hasLabel(lens.label) }
        return if (containsLens) {
   { if (it.hasLabel(lens.label)) lens else it }.boxed()
        } else {
            LensBox(lenses + lens)

 * This class represents the full array of 256 [LensBox]es
 * @property lensBoxes All the boxes for lenses.
data class LensBoxArray(val lensBoxes: MutableList<LensBox>) {
    companion object {
         * Create an array of 256 empty boxes for lenses
         * @return An empty [LensBoxArray]
        fun new(): LensBoxArray =
            LensBoxArray(MutableList(256) { })

     * Remove the lens with the given label from its box
     * The box to insert the lens into is determined by hashing this label.
     * @param label The label of the lens to remove
    fun remove(label: String) {
        val idx = hash(label)
        lensBoxes[idx] = lensBoxes[idx].removeByLabel(label)

     * Insert a lens into its box
     * The box to insert the lens into is determined by hashing its label.
     * @param lens The lens to insert
    fun insert(lens: Lens) {
        val idx = hash(lens.label)
        lensBoxes[idx] = lensBoxes[idx].insert(lens)

     * Calculate the total focusing power of this array of boxes
     * Each lens in a box contributes (box idx + 1) * (slot idx + 1) * focal length.
     * @return The total focusing power of all boxes in this [LensBoxArray].
    fun focusingPower(): Int {
        return lensBoxes.withIndex().sumOf { (idx, box) ->
            val boxNumber = idx + 1
            box.lenses.withIndex().sumOf { (idx, lens) ->
                val slot = idx + 1
                lens.focalLength * slot * boxNumber

 * This class represents a parsed operation from the input
 * Turns out the input is a comma-separated list of operations to perform
 * on a [LensBoxArray]. Each operation is either an 'insert' spelled like
 * '<label>=<focal length>' or a 'remove' spelled like '<label>-'. An 'insert'
 * operation indicates that the lens specified should be inserted into the
 * [LensBoxArray] and a 'remove' operation indicates that the lens with the
 * specified label should be removed from the [LensBoxArray].
sealed class Operation {
    // The two variants of [Operation]
    data class InsertLens(val lens: Lens) : Operation()
    data class RemoveLens(val label: String) : Operation()

    companion object {
         * Parse an [Operation] variant from a portion of the input file
         * @param string The string to parse.
         * @return An operation parsed from the string.
        fun fromString(string: String): Operation {
            return if (string.contains('=')) {
                val (label, focalLengthStr) = string.split('=')
                val focalLength = focalLengthStr.toInt()
                val lens = Lens(label, focalLength)
            } else {
                val label = string.removeSuffix("-")

     * Perform this operation on a [LensBoxArray]
     * Performs the operation defined by this variant of [Operation] on
     * the given [LensBoxArray]. Mutates the [LensBoxArray] in place.
     * @param lensBoxArray The [LensBoxArray] to perform this operation on.
    fun perform(lensBoxArray: LensBoxArray) {
        when (this) {
            is InsertLens -> lensBoxArray.insert(this.lens)
            is RemoveLens -> lensBoxArray.remove(this.label)

class Day15(input: String) {

    // private val parsed = ...

    // OK so far. Hash all the input strings into an Int and return
    // the summed result.
    fun solvePart1(): Int = parsed.sumOf { hash(it) }

    // Ah-HA! Part 2 was the whole enchilada today, including the "real parsing
    // of the input. Turns out, each of the comma-separated strings is an
    // instruction for an operation to perform on an array of 256 boxes of
    // lenses. For part 2, we _really_ parse the input into operations, create
    // a representation of the empty array of boxes, then simulate the result
    // of performing all the operations on the box array, in order. Finally,
    // we sum the "focusing power" of all the lenses in all the boxes for our
    // answer.
    fun solvePart2(): Int {
        val lensBoxArray =
        val operations =
        operations.forEach { it.perform(lensBoxArray) }
        return lensBoxArray.focusingPower()

I agree, there probably was a simpler way to set up the Operations, but I kinda wanted to try adding methods to sealed class variants. And now I did it!

Wrap Up

This was a fun little exercise in making a kinda-sorta hashmap. I may point folks to this exercise who are working on learning more about how this data structure works (in a simplified way). I tried a couple of new Kotlin things as well. I have to say, I keep trying to shoehorn Rust Enums and Traits into other languages, and it keeps not working. That’s sort of what I was going for with today’s sealed class. In hindsight, I’m thinking maybe some sort of Operation superclass with subclasses for InsertLens and RemoveLens would have been more ‘object-oriented’. It definitely seems a little awkward to have that dispatch function in the main Operation class. Live and learn!

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