By Eric Burden | December 16, 2023
It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Kotlin. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!
Day 16 - The Floor Will Be Lava
Find the problem description HERE.
The Input - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Laser Engineer
Another day, another grid of characters here in Advent of Code. Thankfully, we know how to deal with these. Today, I decided to try a more object-oriented approach with the grid and make each cell a concrete subclass of an abstract base class. OO is not my lingua franca, but I think it came together well.
* This class serves as the superclass for all grid cells
* Each cell in the grid is represented by a subclass of this
* [AbstractLaserGridCell]. All cells start out without energy but can be
* energized by having the laser pass through the cell.
* @property energized Indicates whether a laser has passed through this cell.
abstract class AbstractLaserGridCell(var energized: Boolean = false) {
companion object {
* Parse a concrete instance of an [AbstractLaserGridCell] from a character
* Each character in the input corresponds to a particular subclass of
* [AbstractLaserGridCell].
* @param char A character from the input file.
* @return The corresponding concrete grid cell.
fun fromChar(char: Char): AbstractLaserGridCell {
return when (char) {
'.' -> EmptyGridCell(false)
'|' -> VerticalSplitterGridCell(false)
'-' -> HorizontalSplitterGridCell(false)
'/' -> RightLeaningMirrorGridCell(false)
'\\' -> LeftLeaningMirrorGridCell(false)
else -> throw Exception("$char is not a valid kind of grid cell!")
// For printing! By which I mean debugging!
abstract override fun toString(): String
// This subclass represents an empty grid cell, '.'
class EmptyGridCell(energized: Boolean) : AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
override fun toString(): String = if (energized) "#" else "."
// This subclass represents a vertical splitter, '|'
class VerticalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
override fun toString(): String = if (energized) "#" else "|"
// This subclass represents a horizontal splitter, '-'
class HorizontalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
override fun toString(): String = if (energized) "#" else "-"
// This subclass represents a right-leaning mirror, '/'
class RightLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
override fun toString(): String = if (energized) "#" else "/"
// This subclass represents a left-leaning mirror, '\'
class LeftLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
override fun toString(): String = if (energized) "#" else "\\"
// Convenience!
fun MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>.wrap(): LaserGrid =
* This class represents a grid of cells that we can shoot lasers through
* @property grid The grid of cells composing this [LaserGrid].
data class LaserGrid(val grid: MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>) {
companion object {
* Parse a [LaserGrid] from the input file
* @param input A grid of characters from the input.
* @return A parsed [LaserGrid].
fun fromInput(input: List<List<Char>>): LaserGrid = { row ->
private val rows: Int get() = grid.size
private val cols: Int get() = grid.first().size
// Still debugging!
override fun toString(): String =
grid.joinToString("\n") { row -> row.joinToString("") { cell -> cell.toString() } }
class Day16(input: List<List<Char>>) {
// Turn those characters into a [LaserGrid]!
private val parsed = LaserGrid.fromInput(input)
I realize that letting the grid
inside LaserGrid
be mutable can cause problems
for me later on, but I account for that. Honest!
Part One - Pew, Pew
Oh boy, now we get to see what all that focusing from the past two days has done! And what it has done is make lasers!!!! Good thing we’re dealing with elves instead of stormtroopers or we’d never be able to hit these mirrors. Our goal in part one today is to unleash a mighty beam of unstoppable fury (lasers are cool) into a grid containing mirrors and splitters and see which cells get exposed to the laser.
abstract class AbstractLaserGridCell(var energized: Boolean = false) {
// companion object { ... }
* Energize this cell when it's shot with a laser
fun energize() {
this.energized = true
// Deflects a laser to the next set of cells
abstract fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser>
// We need to be able to copy these so we can avoid issues with sneaky
// mutations.
abstract fun copy(): AbstractLaserGridCell
// This subclass represents an empty grid cell, '.'
class EmptyGridCell(energized: Boolean) : AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
// Lasers that enter this cell are just forwarded to the next cell.
override fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser> =
override fun copy() = EmptyGridCell(energized)
// This subclass represents a vertical splitter, '|'
class VerticalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
// Lasers in this cell moving north or south just keep going. Lasers
// moving east or west are split.
override fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser> = when (laser.heading) {
LaserHeading.NORTH -> listOf(laser.advance())
LaserHeading.SOUTH -> listOf(laser.advance())
else -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance(), laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
override fun copy() = VerticalSplitterGridCell(energized)
// This subclass represents a horizontal splitter, '-'
class HorizontalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
// Lasers in this cell heading east and west just keep going. Lasers
// moving north or south are split.
override fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser> = when (laser.heading) {
LaserHeading.EAST -> listOf(laser.advance())
LaserHeading.WEST -> listOf(laser.advance())
else -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance(), laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
override fun copy() = HorizontalSplitterGridCell(energized)
// This subclass represents a right-leaning mirror, '/'
class RightLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
// Lasers in this cell heading north or south are turned to the right.
// Lasers going east or west are turned to the left.
override fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser> = when (laser.heading) {
LaserHeading.NORTH -> listOf(laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.EAST -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.SOUTH -> listOf(laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.WEST -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance())
override fun copy() = RightLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized)
// This subclass represents a left-leaning mirror, '\'
class LeftLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) {
// Lasers in this cell heading north or south are turned to the left.
// Lasers going east or west are turned to the right.
override fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser> = when (laser.heading) {
LaserHeading.NORTH -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.EAST -> listOf(laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.SOUTH -> listOf(laser.turnLeftAndAdvance())
LaserHeading.WEST -> listOf(laser.turnRightAndAdvance())
override fun copy() = LeftLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized)
// This class represents an index in a 2-dimensional grid
data class Index2D(val row: Int, val col: Int)
// This class represents an offset from a grid position. Used to shift
// a position by adding this offset to a position.
data class Offset2D(val rows: Int, val cols: Int)
// Implement adding [Offset2D] to an [Index2D]
operator fun Offset2D): Index2D =
Index2D(row + offset.rows, col + offset.cols)
// Convenience!
fun MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>.wrap(): LaserGrid =
* This enum class represents all four directions a laser could travel in
* A laser can travel north, south, east, or west.
enum class LaserHeading {
// Turn this direction to the left
fun turnLeft(): LaserHeading = when (this) {
// Turn this direction to the right
fun turnRight(): LaserHeading = when (this) {
* This class represents a _LAZER_
* I really thought about using another abstract/subclass setup for lasers,
* and even started down that path, but it actually made my code _more_
* complicated (to me, at least).
* @property position The position of the laser in a grid.
* @property heading The direction this laser is moving.
data class Laser(
val position: Index2D = Index2D(0, 0),
val heading: LaserHeading = LaserHeading.EAST
) {
* Advance the laser forward by one space
* @return A Laser in the next position.
fun advance(): Laser {
val newPosition = position + when (heading) {
LaserHeading.NORTH -> Offset2D(-1, 0)
LaserHeading.EAST -> Offset2D(0, 1)
LaserHeading.SOUTH -> Offset2D(1, 0)
LaserHeading.WEST -> Offset2D(0, -1)
return Laser(newPosition, heading)
// Turn the laser right and move it forward one space
fun turnRightAndAdvance() = Laser(position, heading.turnRight()).advance()
// Turn the laser left and move it forward one space
fun turnLeftAndAdvance() = Laser(position, heading.turnLeft()).advance()
data class LaserGrid(val grid: MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>) {
// companion object { ... }
// Index a [LaserGrid] with an [Index2D].
operator fun get(idx: Index2D): AbstractLaserGridCell =
// Set values in a [LaserGrid] with an [Index2D].
operator fun set(position: Index2D, value: AbstractLaserGridCell) {
this.grid[position.row][position.col] = value
* Check if a laser is still on the grid
* @param laser The laser to check.
* @return Is the laser still on the grid?
private fun isInBounds(laser: Laser): Boolean {
val (row, col) = laser.position
return row in 0..<rows && col in 0..<cols
* Shoot tha lazerz!!!
* Given a laser at a particular position and heading, allow that laser to
* move around the grid energizing cells while being split and turned. Once
* the full path of the laser has been determined, return a copy of this
* [LaserGrid] with the cells the laser passed through energized.
* @param laser The starting [Laser]
* @return A copy of this [LaserGrid], with cells exposed to laser energized.
fun applyLaser(laser: Laser): LaserGrid {
// Going to trace the path of the laser with a depth-first search,
// so we're going to need a stack.
val stack = mutableListOf(laser)
// Just in case there are loops in the path of the laser, this will
// keep us from tracing those loops over and over again.
val seen = HashSet<Laser>()
// Work on and return a deep copy of the current grid, to avoid
// issues with persistent mutations.
val laserGrid = { row -> { it.copy() }.toMutableList() }
// Now, so long as there are lasers still moving around, we take the
// next laser to move off the stack and move it forward, turning and
// splitting as necessary.
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val currentLaser = stack.removeLast()
seen.add(currentLaser) // Won't do _that_ again!
// Get and energize the cell currently occupied by the laser
val currentCell = laserGrid[currentLaser.position]
// Get the next laser(s) from moving this one. If we're on a
// splitter, it might be _two_ new lasers.
val nextLasers = currentCell.deflect(currentLaser)
.filter { laserGrid.isInBounds(it) }
// Add each new laser we haven't seen at this position and
// direction to the stack to check next.
for (nextLaser in nextLasers) {
if (seen.contains(nextLaser)) continue
// Remember, this is a copy, not the original.
return laserGrid
// Calculate the total number of energized cells in this [LaserGrid].
fun totalEnergy(): Int = grid.sumOf { row -> row.count { it.energized } }
class Day16(input: List<List<Char>>) {
// private val parsed = ...
// In part one, we shoot tha lazer, and see where it goes.
fun solvePart1() = parsed.applyLaser(Laser()).totalEnergy()
I feel like going more (but not full) OO ended up making the code a bit more verbose than it otherwise needed to be. There are still a number of moving parts here (despite the fact that the parts aren’t actually moving) to account for, so we end up with a lot of code. Ah well, it’s fine, it’s Saturday after all!
Part Two - The Only Thing Better Than One Laser…
… is all the lasers! In part two, we need to unleash a rain of molten light down upon this poor unsuspecting grid and find the maximum number of cells that can be affected by a beam of pure delight. Yes, I like lasers.
abstract class AbstractLaserGridCell(var energized: Boolean = false) {
// companion object { ... }
// fun energize() { ... }
// abstract fun deflect(laser: Laser): List<Laser>
// abstract fun copy(): AbstractLaserGridCell
// class EmptyGridCell(energized: Boolean) : AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) { ... }
// class VerticalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
// AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) { ... }
// class HorizontalSplitterGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
// AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) { ... }
// class RightLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
// AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) { ... }
// class LeftLeaningMirrorGridCell(energized: Boolean) :
// AbstractLaserGridCell(energized) { ... }
// data class Index2D(val row: Int, val col: Int)
// data class Offset2D(val rows: Int, val cols: Int)
// operator fun Offset2D): Index2D = ...
// fun MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>.wrap() = ...
// enum class LaserHeading { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST; ...}
// data class Laser(val position: Index2D, val heading: LaserHeading) { ... }
data class LaserGrid(val grid: MutableList<MutableList<AbstractLaserGridCell>>) {
// companion object { ... }
// operator fun get(idx: Index2D) = ...
// operator fun set(position: Index2D, value: AbstractLaserGridCell) { ... }
// private fun isInBounds(laser: Laser): Boolean { ... }
/// fun applyLaser(laser: Laser): LaserGrid { ... }
/// fun totalEnergy(): Int = ...
* Determine _all_ the lasers we can pew, pew!
* Populate and return a list of all lasers that can be generated by walking
* around the edge of the grid and shooting a laser away from the edge. As
* described in the puzzle.
fun allPossibleLasers(): List<Laser> {
val lasers = mutableListOf<Laser>()
// All the left and right edges
for (row in grid.indices) {
lasers.add(Laser(Index2D(row, 0), LaserHeading.EAST))
lasers.add(Laser(Index2D(row, cols - 1), LaserHeading.WEST))
// All the top and bottom edges
for (col in grid.first().indices) {
lasers.add(Laser(Index2D(0, col), LaserHeading.SOUTH))
lasers.add(Laser(Index2D(rows - 1, col), LaserHeading.NORTH))
return lasers
class Day16(input: List<List<Char>>) {
// private val parsed = ...
// fun solvePart1() = ...
// In part two, I start to wonder whether sometimes brute force really
// _is_ the intended answer. We check all possible starting positions
// and directions for lasers and return the maximum grid energy found.
fun solvePart2() =
parsed.allPossibleLasers().maxOf { parsed.applyLaser(it).totalEnergy() }
Let’s be honest, brute force really is the right way to use lasers. Right?
Wrap Up
Today’s puzzle felt a bit like a variation on the pipe maze from day 12, but way less tricky in terms of part 2. I can’t really envision what a more efficient approach to “find the laser that hits the most cells” is than just simulating what happens with each laser and picking the maximum. Perhaps the fine folks over at r/adventofcode have come up with something. I did get to play around with inheritance today. Since I don’t do much OO normally, it felt a little awkward, but “when in a Java-adjacent language” and all that. I’m happy to wrap this one up a bit earlier than expected for a Saturday puzzle and looking forward to tomorrow.