Advent of Code 2023 - Day 18

By Eric Burden | December 18, 2023

It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Kotlin. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!

Day 18 - Lavaduct Lagoon

Find the problem description HERE.

The Input - Can You Dig It?

It turns out that, actually, you shouldn’t dig the entire thing, but we’ll get to why later. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that the shape described by the input can be represented as a polygon by tracking the vertices and edges. But before we get to that, let’s just formalize the input lines into objects.

import dev.ericburden.aoc2023.Utils.CardinalDirection

 * This class represents an instruction from the input file.
 * Each line in the input file can be parsed to an instruction to dig 1x1m
 * sections into a grid, in any cardinal direction.
 * @property direction The direction in which to dig.
 * @property length The number of spaces to dig.
 * @property color The color of the trench walls.
data class DigInstruction(
    val direction: CardinalDirection,
    val length: Long,
    val color: String
) {
    companion object {
         * Parse one line from the input file into a [DigInstruction]
         * @param line A line from the input file.
         * @return The parsed [DigInstruction].
        fun fromInputLine(line: String): DigInstruction {
            val (dirStr, lenStr, colStr) = line.split("\\s+".toRegex())
            val direction = when (dirStr) {
                "U" -> CardinalDirection.NORTH
                "R" -> CardinalDirection.EAST
                "D" -> CardinalDirection.SOUTH
                "L" -> CardinalDirection.WEST
                else -> throw Exception("Cannot parse $dirStr to a direction!")
            val length = lenStr.toLongOrNull()
                ?: throw Exception("Cannot parse $lenStr to a number!")

            // Strip everything but the hex digits from color
            val color = colStr.trim('(', ')', '#')
            return DigInstruction(direction, length, color)

class Day18(input: List<String>) {

    // Parse each line in the input into an instruction, and prepare to
    // follow them.
    private val parsed =
        input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map(DigInstruction::fromInputLine)


There’s more to come, but we’ll do that in Part One.

Part One - Going, Going, Poly-GON

Yes, I know you wanted to simulate digging out that trench, flood filling the interior, then counting the dug out grid spaces. So did I! Here’s the thing: today I learned about the Surveyor’s Formula or the Shoestring Method, by which one can calculate the area of any irregular polygon. How cool is that? Here’s how that works.

import dev.ericburden.aoc2023.Utils.CardinalDirection
import kotlin.math.abs

data class DigInstruction(
    val direction: CardinalDirection,
    val length: Long,
    val color: String
) {
    // companion object { ... }

// We're going to use polygons today! Our polygon will consist of vertices
// and edges.
data class Vertex(val x: Long, val y: Long)
data class Edge(val v1: Vertex, val v2: Vertex, val len: Long)

 * Convert a list of [DigInstruction]s to a [Polygon]
 * This function extends the functionality of a [List<DigInstruction>] by adding
 * the function `toPolygon`, which allows for trivially converting a list of
 * dig instructions into vertices and edges and, thus, a polygon.
 * @return The resulting [Polygon].
fun List<DigInstruction>.toPolygon(): Polygon {
    // We start at the origin. This is arbitrary, but it's as good a place to
    // start as any.
    val vertices = mutableListOf(Vertex(0, 0))
    val edges = mutableListOf<Edge>()

    // For each instruction, we calculate the location of the next vertex from
    // the dig instruction. We can then use that location, along with the last
    // vertex, to calculate the edge with the last vertex and the newly added
    // vertex.
    for (instruction in this) {
        val (lastRow, lastCol) = vertices.last()
        val vertex = when (instruction.direction) {
            CardinalDirection.NORTH -> Vertex(
                lastRow - instruction.length,

            CardinalDirection.EAST -> Vertex(
                lastCol + instruction.length

            CardinalDirection.SOUTH -> Vertex(
                lastRow + instruction.length,

            CardinalDirection.WEST -> Vertex(
                lastCol - instruction.length
        edges.add(Edge(vertices.last(), vertex, instruction.length))
    return Polygon(vertices, edges)

fun <T> Sequence<T>.append(value: T): Sequence<T> = sequence {

 * This class represents a 2-dimensional polygon.
 * @property vertices A list of vertices in the polygon.
 * @property edges A list of edges in the polygon.
data class Polygon(val vertices: List<Vertex>, val edges: List<Edge>) {

    // Calculate and return the area of the polygon using the "shoestring"
    // or "surveyor's" method. A nice explanation of this can be found
    // [here](
    val area: Long get() {
        var lastVertex = vertices.first()
        var leftShoelace = 0L
        var rightShoelace = 0L
        for (nextVertex in vertices.drop(1)) {
            val (x1, y1) = lastVertex
            val (x2, y2) = nextVertex
            leftShoelace += x1 * y2
            rightShoelace += x2 * y1
            lastVertex = nextVertex
        return abs(leftShoelace - rightShoelace) / 2

    // Calculate and return the perimeter of the polygon. It's the sum of
    // all the edge lengths.
    val perimeter: Long get() = edges.sumOf { (_, _, len) -> len }

 * This class represents the dig site.
 * Mostly just serves as a wrapper around a [Polygon] to account for the
 * thickness of the trench dug around the outside of the eventual lava lagoon.
 * We need to account for this because the trench counts as spaces where the
 * lava can go.
 * @property polygon The inner polygon formed by digging around the lagoon area.
data class DigSite(val polygon: Polygon) {

    // So, how does the thick line of the trench contribute to overall area
    // available for lava. Consider that the infinitesimal point in space
    // that defines the origin is the point in the exact center of the
    // first 1x1 cube dug. The area, as calculated, is thus bound by an
    // infinitely thin line running through the center of the trench cubes.
    // This means that, for your average side section of the trench, have that
    // trench cube is in the area and half of it is outside and needs to be
    // added back in. The exception here are corner trench cubes. For the four
    // corners, 3/4 of that cube is outside the bounded region. This means an
    // extra 1/4 of a trench cube for each, and for four corners... It's an
    // estra `+ 1`. The _inner_ corners (those bends and twists in the walls)
    // don't matter because for every cube 3/4 inside the bounded area, there's
    // a corresponding cube with only 1/4 inside the bounded area.
    val volume: Long get() = polygon.area + (polygon.perimeter / 2) + 1

// Conveniently convert a list of dig instructions to a [DigSite]
fun List<DigInstruction>.toDigSite() = DigSite(this.toPolygon())

class Day18(input: List<String>) {

    // private val parsed = ...

    // In part one, we don't actually _follow_ the instructions so much as use
    // math as a shortcut!
    fun solvePart1(): Long = parsed.toDigSite().volume


To be fair, flood-filling would definitely have worked for part one. Part two, though…

Part Two - Dig It Real Good

Surprise! We misinterpreted the input again! This time, though, I think we could be forgiven. I mean, who encodes directions in color codes? Elves, I guess. After decoding these new instructions, the trench will be huge. And now you know why we couldn’t do the flood fill.

import dev.ericburden.aoc2023.Utils.CardinalDirection
import kotlin.math.abs

data class DigInstruction(
    val direction: CardinalDirection,
    val length: Long,
    val color: String
) {
    // companion object { ... }

     * Recode a [DigInstruction] based on the part 2 parsing strategy.
     * Turns out those colors _were_ useful after all, just not in any way I
     * would have guessed while solving part one. The color codes actually
     * hold the digging information, and we need to use that instead.
     * @return A re-coded [DigInstruction].
    fun recode(): DigInstruction {
        val firstFive = color.take(5)
        val lastChar = color.last()
        val length = firstFive.toLong(16) // This is super handy
        val direction = when (lastChar) {
            '0' -> CardinalDirection.EAST
            '1' -> CardinalDirection.SOUTH
            '2' -> CardinalDirection.WEST
            '3' -> CardinalDirection.NORTH
            else -> throw Exception("Could not parse $lastChar to a direction!")
        return DigInstruction(direction, length, "#ffffff")

// We're going to use polygons today! Our polygon will consist of vertices
// and edges.
data class Vertex(val x: Long, val y: Long)
data class Edge(val v1: Vertex, val v2: Vertex, val len: Long)

// fun List<DigInstruction>.toPolygon(): Polygon { ... }

// fun <T> Sequence<T>.append(value: T): Sequence<T> = ...

data class Polygon(val vertices: List<Vertex>, val edges: List<Edge>) {

    // val area: Long get() { ... }

    // val perimeter: Long get() = ...

data class DigSite(val polygon: Polygon) {

    // val volume: Long get() = ...

// Conveniently convert a list of dig instructions to a [DigSite]
fun List<DigInstruction>.toDigSite() = DigSite(this.toPolygon())

class Day18(input: List<String>) {

    // private val parsed = ...

    // fun solvePart1(): Long = ...

    // In part two, it's a good thing we used math, because we would _never_
    // actually finish digging that pit and counting the inner area.
    fun solvePart2(): Long { it.recode() }.toDigSite().volume


And that’s the power of geometry!

Wrap Up

This is one my favorite kinds of puzzles: the kind that help me answer questions I didn’t know I had! In this one, I realized after searching up the Shoestring Method and reading about it that what we’re really doing is dividing the polygon up into triangles, calculating their areas, then returning the total area (more or less). Back in my day, you’d see the technique of dividing surfaces up into triangles all over video games (remember the original Playstation? Anyone?). I’d bet a shiny nickel that at least parts of this approach were involved in that. At any rate, that’s how I’m going to remember this approach for next time.

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