By Eric Burden | December 19, 2023
It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Kotlin. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!
Day 19 - Aplenty
Find the problem description HERE.
The Input - Rules are Rules
Now that the parts are flowing again, we need to help the elves sort them and determine which parts are acceptable for use. Thankfully, they’ve gone to the trouble of writing down their workflows and criteria for checking, approving, and/or rejecting parts. Now, we just need to model those workflows!
* This enum represents the four types of part ratings
enum class RatingCategory {
X, M, A, S;
companion object {
* Parse a [RatingCategory] from a string
* @param str The string to parse the rating category from.
* @return A [RatingCategory] parsed from a string.
* @throws Exception When the string cannot be parsed.
fun fromString(str: String): RatingCategory = when (str) {
"x" -> X
"m" -> M
"a" -> A
"s" -> S
else -> throw Exception("There is no category for $str!")
* This class represents the different possible results from applying a [Rule]
* Each [Rule] in a [Workflow] has one of three possible outcomes:
* - The part is accepted.
* - The part is rejected.
* - The part is transferred to another workflow.
sealed class RuleResult {
// This variant represents a transfer to another workflow and includes
// the label of the new workflow as a property.
class Transfer(val label: String) : RuleResult()
data object Approve : RuleResult()
data object Reject : RuleResult()
companion object {
* Parse a [RuleResult] from a string
* @param str The string to parse.
* @return A [RuleResult] parsed from the String.
fun fromString(str: String) = when (str) {
"A" -> Approve
"R" -> Reject
else -> Transfer(str)
* This enum represents the kind of comparison used by a [Rule]
* Each [Rule] compares some [RatingCategory] of a [MachinePart] to a constant
* value when determining whether the part passes that rule or gets forwarded
* further along the [Workflow].
enum class ComparisonKind {
companion object {
* Parses a [ComparisonKind] from a string
* @param str The string to parse a comparison kind from.
* @return The [ComparisonKind] represented by the input string.
* @throws Exception When the input string cannot be parsed.
fun fromString(str: String) = when (str) {
"<" -> LESS_THAN
else -> throw Exception("Cannot convert $str to a [ComparisonType]!")
* This class represents a rule for checking a [MachinePart]
* Each step (except the last) in a [Workflow] consists of a rule that tests
* a [MachinePart] to see if it is approved, rejected, passed to another
* [Workflow], or forwarded further along the current [Workflow].
* @property category Which rating from the [MachinePart] is being checked?
* @property result The [RuleResult] of successfully applying this rule.
* @property comparison The kind of comparison to use when applying this rule.
* @property compareTo The constant value to compare the part's rating to.
data class Rule(
val category: RatingCategory,
val result: RuleResult,
val comparison: ComparisonKind,
val compareTo: Int,
) {
companion object {
* Parse a [Rule] from a string
* @param str The string to parse the rule from.
* @return The [Rule] represented by the parsed string.
* @throws Exception when the string cannot be parsed.
fun fromString(str: String): Rule {
// Use this regular expression to match against the string
// and break it up into its constituent parts.
val regex = Regex("""([xmas])([><])(\d+):(\w+)""")
val matches = regex.find(str)
val (catStr, opStr, valStr, resStr) = matches?.destructured
?: throw Exception("Could not parse $str into a [Rule]!")
// Then, take each string and parse it individually.
val testCategory = RatingCategory.fromString(catStr)
val result = RuleResult.fromString(resStr)
val comparison = ComparisonKind.fromString(opStr)
val compareTo = valStr.toInt()
return Rule(testCategory, result, comparison, compareTo)
* This class represents a workflow
* Each workflow consists of a list of sequential rules to check a [MachinePart]
* against and a final `default` action to take if the part doesn't satisfy
* any of the `rules`.
* @property rules The ordered list of rules to check a [MachinePart] against.
* @property default The default [RuleResult] to apply if no rule is satisfied.
data class Workflow(
val rules: List<Rule>,
val default: RuleResult
* This class represents the full set of all [Workflow]s
* @property workflows A mapping of workflow label to workflow
data class WorkflowSet(val workflows: Map<String, Workflow>) {
companion object {
* Parse a [WorkflowSet] from a list of lines from the input
* @param lines The lines from the input that define workflows.
* @return The parsed [WorkflowSet].
* @throws Exception When a line from the input cannot be parsed.
fun fromInput(lines: List<String>): WorkflowSet {
val regex = Regex("""(\w+)\{(.*)\}""")
val workflows = lines.associate { line ->
val matches = regex.find(line)
val (label, rulesStr) = matches?.destructured
?: throw Exception("Cannot parse a workflow from $line!")
val rulesStrList = rulesStr.split(",").toMutableList()
val default = RuleResult.fromString(rulesStrList.removeLast())
val rules =
label to Workflow(rules, default)
return WorkflowSet(workflows)
* This class represents a machine part
* Yes. The rating abbreviations are X-MAS. I saw that too.
* @property x The degree of coolness of the part.
* @property m The musicality of the part.
* @property a The extent of the part's aerodynamic qualities.
* @property s SHININESS!!!!!
data class MachinePart(val x: Int, val m: Int, val a: Int, val s: Int) {
companion object {
* Parse a [MachinePart] from a string
* @param str The string representation of a machine part.
* @return The [MachinePart] represented by the string.
* @throws Exception If the string does not represent a [MachinePart].
fun fromString(str: String): MachinePart {
val regex = Regex("""\{x=(\d+),m=(\d+),a=(\d+),s=(\d+)\}""")
val matches = regex.find(str)
val (xStr, mStr, aStr, sStr) = matches?.destructured
?: throw Exception("$str cannot be parsed to a [MachinePart]!")
return MachinePart(
// It's kind of nice to be able to index a part by the rating enum.
operator fun get(category: RatingCategory) = when (category) {
RatingCategory.X -> x
RatingCategory.M -> m
RatingCategory.A -> a
RatingCategory.S -> s
val totalRating: Int get() = x + m + a + s
class Day19(val input: List<List<String>>) {
// I feel like _I_ needed a workflow for the amount of modeling I did on
// today's puzzle. It turned out well, though!
private val parsed: Pair<WorkflowSet, List<MachinePart>>
get() {
val (workflowLines, machinePartLines) = input
val workflowSet = WorkflowSet.fromInput(workflowLines)
val machineParts =
return workflowSet to machineParts
There’s a lot of specificity in this setup, but I think it sets us up nicely to solve the puzzle.
Part One - Pass or Fail
In part one, we take our list of machine parts and run them through the specified workflows, reporting some information about the parts that pass inspection.
enum class RatingCategory {
X, M, A, S;
// companion object { ... }
sealed class RuleResult {
class Transfer(val label: String) : RuleResult()
data object Approve : RuleResult()
data object Reject : RuleResult()
// companion object { ... }
enum class ComparisonKind {
// companion object { ... }
data class Rule(
val category: RatingCategory,
val result: RuleResult,
val comparison: ComparisonKind,
val compareTo: Int,
) {
// companion object { ... }
* Check a [MachinePart] to see if it satisfies this [Rule]
* @param part The [MachinePart] to check.
* @return A boolean indicating whether the part satisfies this rule.
fun passes(part: MachinePart) = when (comparison) {
ComparisonKind.GREATER_THAN -> part[category] > compareTo
ComparisonKind.LESS_THAN -> part[category] < compareTo
data class Workflow(
val rules: List<Rule>,
val default: RuleResult
) {
* Process a [MachinePart] through this [Workflow]
* Check the part against each rule, in order. If the part satisfies any
* rule, return the result. Otherwise, return the default result.
* @param part The [MachinePart] to check.
* @return The result of the workflow.
fun processPart(part: MachinePart): RuleResult {
for (rule in rules) if (rule.passes(part)) return rule.result
return default
data class WorkflowSet(val workflows: Map<String, Workflow>) {
// companion object { ... }
* Process a single part through the various workflows
* Each part starts at the workflow labelled "in". From there, it is
* processed by one or more [Workflow]s until it is ultimately accepted
* or rejected.
* @param part The [MachinePart] to process.
* @return The result of processing this part.
* @throws Exception When attempting to pass a part to a [Workflow] that's
* not in the [WorkflowSet]. This should not happen with well-formed input.
fun processPart(part: MachinePart): RuleResult {
var result: RuleResult = RuleResult.Transfer("in")
// So long as the result of processing the part through a workflow
// is to transfer it, we keep passing the part to the next workflow
// and processing. This loop will end once the part is either
// accepted or rejected.
while (result is RuleResult.Transfer) {
result = workflows[result.label]?.processPart(part)
?: throw Exception("There is no workflow labeled ${result.label}")
return result
data class MachinePart(val x: Int, val m: Int, val a: Int, val s: Int) {
// companion object { ... }
// operator fun get(category: RatingCategory) = ...
// val totalRating: Int get() = ...
class Day19(val input: List<List<String>>) {
// private val parsed: Pair<WorkflowSet, List<MachinePart>> get() { ... }
// In part one, we check all the given machine parts against a verification
// workflow and tally the ratings of the approved parts.
fun solvePart1(): Int {
val (workflows, parts) = parsed
return parts.filter { part -> workflows.processPart(part) is RuleResult.Approve }
.sumOf { it.totalRating }
As is often the case in part one, modeling and simulating the process described in the puzzle input gets us to where we need to be. Again, we have bits of functionality spread out amongst various classes, but it all nestles pretty neatly into where it belongs.
Part Two - Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts
In part two, the elves want to know how many different combinations of part ratings can possibly be passed through their workflow. A reasonable request, for sure, with an unreasonably large answer, at least according to the example we have. As we’ve seen a couple of times this year already, there are a couple of common ways to deal with very large numbers: cycles and ranges. This seems more like a “range” kind of problem to me…
enum class RatingCategory {
X, M, A, S;
// companion object { ... }
sealed class RuleResult {
class Transfer(val label: String) : RuleResult()
data object Approve : RuleResult()
data object Reject : RuleResult()
// companion object { ... }
enum class ComparisonKind {
// companion object { ... }
data class Rule(
val category: RatingCategory,
val result: RuleResult,
val comparison: ComparisonKind,
val compareTo: Int,
) {
// companion object { ... }
// fun passes(part: MachinePart) = when (comparison) { ... }
data class Workflow(
val rules: List<Rule>,
val default: RuleResult
) {
// fun processPart(part: MachinePart): RuleResult { ... }
* Process a range of machine parts
* In part two, we no longer care about specific parts and are concerned
* instead with determining how many possible part combinations could pass
* through our full [WorkflowSet]. To process a [MachinePartRange], instead
* of using a [Rule] to determine if the specific values pass, we use that
* [Rule] to split the [MachinePartRange] into parts that do and do not
* satisfy the rule. The range that does not satisfy the rule is processed
* further in the [Workflow] while the range that _does_ satisfy the
* rule is added to the output of this function along with the associated
* [RuleResult] of satisfying that [Rule].
* @param partRange A range of possible machine part ratings.
* @return A list of machine part ranges and the associated action for each.
fun processPartRange(partRange: MachinePartRange): List<Pair<MachinePartRange, RuleResult>> {
// This function will output a list of machine part ranges with the
// action to take on that range based on whether that part
// satisfied one of the rules in this workflow.
val results = mutableListOf<Pair<MachinePartRange, RuleResult>>()
var currentRange = partRange
for (rule in rules) {
currentRange = when (rule.comparison) {
// When the comparison is "greater than", the part of the range
// greater than the comparison constant is said to have
// satisfied the rule and is added to the output. The part of
// the range that fails the rule is forwarded to the next
// rule in the workflow.
ComparisonKind.GREATER_THAN -> {
val (partRange1, partRange2) = currentRange.splitAt(
rule.compareTo + 1
results.add(partRange2 to rule.result)
// The same thing in reverse is true for the "less than"
// comparison.
ComparisonKind.LESS_THAN -> {
val (partRange1, partRange2) = currentRange.splitAt(
results.add(partRange1 to rule.result)
// Any range of parts left over didn't satisfy _any_ rules, and so
// it gets added to the results with the default [RuleResult]
results.add(currentRange to default)
return results
data class WorkflowSet(val workflows: Map<String, Workflow>) {
// companion object { ... }
// fun processPart(part: MachinePart): RuleResult { ... }
* Find all part ranges that can be approved
* In part two, we need to identify all the possible combinations of
* part ratings that can be approved. To do _that_, we need to identify
* all the _ranges_ of part ratings that ultimately reach the "approved"
* result.
* @return A list of [MachinePartRange]s that are ultimately approved.
* @throws Exception When attempting to pass a part to a [Workflow] that's
* not in the [WorkflowSet]. This should not happen with well-formed input.
fun findAllApprovedPartRanges(): List<MachinePartRange> {
// These are the ranges we'll return at the end
val approvedRanges = mutableListOf<MachinePartRange>()
// We'll be doing a variant of a breadth-first search through the
// workflows. There's no need to check for whether we're in a
// loop this time, all the workflows flow from start to finish.
// We start with the full range of 1..4000 in all four ratings
// at the "in" workflow.
val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<MachinePartRange, RuleResult>>(
listOf(MachinePartRange() to RuleResult.Transfer("in"))
// Until we've processed all ranges through all workflows...
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (partRange, ruleResult) = queue.removeLast()
// If the range of parts is approved, it gets added to the results.
// If it's rejected, we skip it. If it's transferred, then we process
// it through the target workflow, yielding a list of <range/result>
// pairings. Each of those pairs is added to the queue for
// further processing.
when (ruleResult) {
is RuleResult.Approve -> approvedRanges.add(partRange)
is RuleResult.Reject -> continue
is RuleResult.Transfer -> {
val workflow = workflows[ruleResult.label]
?: throw Exception("There is no workflow labeled ${ruleResult.label}!")
for (rangeResultPair in workflow.processPartRange(partRange)) {
return approvedRanges
// data class MachinePart(val x: Int, val m: Int, val a: Int, val s: Int) { ... }
* This class represents a range of machine part ratings
* There are ultimately four dimensions of [MachinePart] rating. This class
* represents a four-fold range of possible part ratings.
* @property x The range of the degree of coolness of the parts.
* @property m The range of musicality of the parts.
* @property a The range of the parts' aerodynamic qualities.
* @property s The range from -shiny- to *!*!SHINY!*!*.
data class MachinePartRange(
val x: IntRange = 1..4000,
val m: IntRange = 1..4000,
val a: IntRange = 1..4000,
val s: IntRange = 1..4000,
) {
// Useful here, too.
operator fun get(category: RatingCategory) = when (category) {
RatingCategory.X -> x
RatingCategory.M -> m
RatingCategory.A -> a
RatingCategory.S -> s
// Calculate and return the total number of individual combinations
// represented by this [MachinePartRange]
val totalCombinations: Long
get() {
val xCount = ((x.last - x.first) + 1).toLong()
val mCount = ((m.last - m.first) + 1).toLong()
val aCount = ((a.last - a.first) + 1).toLong()
val sCount = ((s.last - s.first) + 1).toLong()
return xCount * mCount * aCount * sCount
* Split a [MachinePartRange] around a given rating and value
* Any time a [MachinePartRange] is tested against a rule (at least, in
* my input), a part of the range passes the test and another part fails.
* This function splits the range into these two parts.
* @param category The rating range to be split.
* @param value The numeric value to split around.
* @return A pair of [MachinePartRange]s split on `rating` around `value`.
fun splitAt(
category: RatingCategory,
value: Int
): Pair<MachinePartRange, MachinePartRange> {
// First we verify that the value actually falls within the rating range.
val range = this[category]
require(value in range) {
throw Exception("Cannot split the range $range around $value!")
// Then we split the range. The split will always exclude the given
// value from the bottom range and include it in the top range.
val range1 = this[category].first until value
val range2 = value..this[category].last
// Return a pair of [MachinePartRange]s with the new range
// values on the correct rating.
return when (category) {
RatingCategory.X -> (MachinePartRange(range1, m, a, s)
to MachinePartRange(range2, m, a, s))
RatingCategory.M -> (MachinePartRange(x, range1, a, s)
to MachinePartRange(x, range2, a, s))
RatingCategory.A -> (MachinePartRange(x, m, range1, s)
to MachinePartRange(x, m, range2, s))
RatingCategory.S -> (MachinePartRange(x, m, a, range1)
to MachinePartRange(x, m, a, range2))
class Day19(val input: List<List<String>>) {
// private val parsed: Pair<WorkflowSet, List<MachinePart>> get() { ... }
// fun solvePart1(): Int { ... }
// In part two, we stop caring about the individual parts altogether!
fun solvePart2(): Long {
val (workflows, _) = parsed
return workflows.findAllApprovedPartRanges()
.sumOf { it.totalCombinations }
Reminds me of Day 5, to be honest, although the range splitting is a lot simpler this time around.
Wrap Up
I really enjoyed today’s puzzle. You ever have that experience where you’ve broken a problem down into bite-size pieces, worked each piece, then when the last piece clicks into place it’s a bit of a surprise to realize that you’re done? That was me with today’s puzzle. It happens that way sometimes, and I love it. After solving the puzzle I did a bit of reading on hypercubes and other words I don’t know the meaning of, but thinking about today’s problem in terms of ranges makes the most sense to me. This has been my favorite so far.